ahu akivi

Rapa Nui, isla de pascua, chile

Easter Island, the pacific ocean

June 14, 2008

Ahu Ahiki was the first Ahu on Rapa Nui/Easter Island to have been restored scientifically. This group of seven Moai , dating from 1500 A.D. face the rising sun of the equinox. According to recent folklore, the figures represent seven young explorers sent before the arrival of hotu Matu’a in reconnaissance of the island seen by the spirit of Haumaka from Hiva. Great care was taken to preserve these figures and position them on their platform. What I found unusual was the arched slope of the platform, and the careful stepped placement of the stones. Both the platform and the “steps” are characteristic, and therefore perhaps accurate than these features in other Ahu we visited. This restoration was completed by William Mulloy, an archeologist who is buried at Tahai Complex on the island. Gonzales Figueroa assisted him in this project, which was completed in l960.

PHOTOS: Upper Left: Ahu Ahiki at sunset. Lower Left: The valley near the site. Center: Closeup, two Moai at Ahu Ahiki. Upper Right: The seven young explorers, Moai showing the arched nature of the platform. Lower Right: Landscape near the site.

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